The Physicians’ Charitable Foundation awards grants to organizations that serve the surrounding seven county area, which includes Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Darke, Clark, Preble and Warren counties. Grants are awarded for a variety of public charitable purposes which broadly encompass health care needs and at risk populations.
Grantmaking policy and specific grant decisions are made by the Advisory Board following review by the Distribution Committee. The size and number of grant awards are directly related to the amount of money available each year. Generally, grants are made to help launch new projects and to established organizations for special purposes, which represent a unique and unduplicated opportunity and meet a significant community health need.
To be eligible for a grant, your organization must:
- Be recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, according to the Internal Revenue Code
- Benefit the citizens of the 7 county region listed above
- Address health care needs or at-risk populations and causes
There are two grant cycles each year. Deadlines are March 1st and September 1st. To qualify the grant proposal must be emailed by the above date. No Exceptions!
To apply for a grant:
- Applicants must be invited to apply each year prior to submitting their application. Unsolicited applications will be returned.
- If you have any questions about our grant making process or want to learn more about how we can help you, please contact Bonnie Baker-Tattershall, Executive Director at (937) 225-9973 or by email at